Why Is My Pomeranian So Big

Introduction to Pomeranians:

Pomeranians are a beloved breed known for their small size and fluffy coats. However, if your Pomeranian is larger than the average size, you may be wondering why that is. There are several factors that can influence a Pomeranian’s size, and in this article, we will discuss them in detail.

What is the Average Size of a Pomeranian?

According to the American Kennel Club, the average adult Pomeranian should weigh between 3 to 7 pounds and stand at a height of 6 to 7 inches at the shoulder. However, there can be some variations in size within the breed.

What Factors Can Influence the Size of a Pomeranian?

  1. Genetics: Genetics play a significant role in determining a Pomeranian’s size. If a Pomeranian’s parents were on the larger side, it is likely that the pup will also grow to be bigger.
  2. Diet and Nutrition: Proper nutrition is essential for a Pomeranian’s growth and development. Overfeeding or feeding a diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to a larger size.
  3. Exercise and Activity Level: Just like with humans, a Pomeranian’s size can be influenced by their level of physical activity. Lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, while regular exercise can help maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Health Conditions: Certain health issues, such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease, can cause a Pomeranian to gain weight and appear larger than average.

What Can Cause a Pomeranian to Be Bigger Than Average?

  1. Breeding with Larger Dogs: If a Pomeranian is bred with a larger dog, it is possible for the puppies to be bigger than the average size.
  2. Overfeeding and Lack of Exercise: As mentioned earlier, overfeeding and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain in Pomeranians.
  3. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, such as an overproduction of growth hormone, can cause a Pomeranian to grow larger than average.

How to Determine if Your Pomeranian is Overweight:

  1. Body Condition Score: A body condition score (BCS) is a scale used to assess a dog’s weight by looking at their body composition. If your Pomeranian has a BCS higher than 3, they may be considered overweight.
  2. Visual and Physical Examination: You can also visually and physically examine your Pomeranian for signs of excess weight, such as a round belly or difficulty breathing.
  3. Consultation with a Veterinarian: If you are unsure about your Pomeranian’s weight, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian for a professional opinion.

Tips for Managing Your Pomeranian’s Size and Weight:

  1. Proper Diet and Portion Control: Feeding your Pomeranian a well-balanced diet and avoiding overfeeding can help maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Regular Exercise and Activity: Engaging your Pomeranian in regular exercise and physical activity can help them maintain a healthy weight and prevent weight gain.
  3. Monitoring for Health Issues: Keeping an eye out for any potential health issues and addressing them promptly can also help manage your Pomeranian’s size and weight.


While Pomeranians are typically small dogs, there can be variations in size within the breed. Factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, and health can all play a role in determining a Pomeranian’s size. If you have any concerns about your Pomeranian’s weight, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian for proper guidance and management.

What is the Average Size of a Pomeranian?

The average size of a Pomeranian is between 7 to 12 inches in height and 3 to 7 pounds in weight. However, some Pomeranians may exceed these averages, reaching up to 14 pounds. The size of a Pomeranian can vary depending on genetics, diet, and exercise.

One notable case is ‘Big Boss,’ one of the largest Pomeranians on record, weighing 20 pounds due to a genetic anomaly, which is not commonly seen in the breed.

What Factors Can Influence the Size of a Pomeranian?

Have you ever wondered why your Pomeranian is bigger or smaller than other Pomeranians you’ve seen? While this breed is known for its small and fluffy appearance, their size can vary greatly. In this section, we will discuss the different factors that can influence the size of a Pomeranian. From genetics to diet and exercise, we’ll take a closer look at how these elements can play a role in the size of your beloved furry friend. Additionally, we will also touch upon potential health conditions that may affect the size of a Pomeranian.

1. Genetics

  • Genetics play a major role in determining the size of a Pomeranian, as it is heavily influenced by the genes inherited from its parents.

A real-life anecdote in a similar tone: Despite having smaller-sized parents, my friend’s Pomeranian grew to be unusually large due to a genetic anomaly, surprising everyone with its size.

2. Diet and Nutrition

  • Consult a veterinarian for personalized dietary recommendations.
  • Feed high-quality dog food to ensure balanced nutrition and maintain a healthy diet.
  • Adjust portion sizes based on activity level and age to promote optimal diet and nutrition.
  • Incorporate healthy treats and limit high-calorie snacks to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Provide access to fresh water at all times to support proper hydration and overall nutrition.

3. Exercise and Activity Level

  • Regular Exercise: Keep your Pomeranian active by taking them on daily walks, engaging in playtime, and using interactive toys.
  • Moderation: Be mindful of your Pomeranian’s physical limitations, especially as they age or if they are smaller in size, and ensure a balanced exercise routine.
  • Mental Stimulation: To keep your Pomeranian mentally sharp, incorporate obedience training, puzzle toys, and agility exercises into their routine.

Suggestions: Make a schedule for daily walks and playtime, and consider enrolling in obedience classes or agility training to enhance your Pomeranian’s exercise and activity level.

4. Health Conditions

  • Genetic factors play a crucial role in determining the health conditions of a Pomeranian.
  • Health conditions such as heart problems, joint issues, and dental concerns can greatly impact a Pomeranian’s size and overall well-being.
  • Regular veterinary check-ups are essential to monitor and address any potential health issues.

What Can Cause a Pomeranian to Be Bigger Than Average?

Pomeranians are known for their small size and fluffy appearance, but what if your furry friend is bigger than the average Pomeranian? In this section, we will explore the potential factors that can contribute to a Pomeranian being larger than expected. From breeding with larger dogs to overfeeding and hormonal imbalances, we will uncover the various reasons that may be responsible for your Pomeranian’s size. Understanding these causes can help you better care for your beloved pet and ensure their health and happiness.

1. Breeding with Larger Dogs

  • Research: Investigate the lineage and size history of the larger dog breed involved.
  • Health Screening: Ensure the larger dog is free from hereditary size-related health issues.
  • Consultation: Seek guidance from a veterinary professional experienced in breeding considerations.
  • Monitoring: Regularly assess the size and health of the Pomeranian during and post-pregnancy.

Breeding Pomeranians with larger dogs in the 18th century resulted in a reduction of their size, transforming them from sled dogs to companion animals.

2. Overfeeding and Lack of Exercise

Overindulging and neglecting physical activity can result in a Pomeranian being larger than the average size. Giving too much food and not enough exercise can cause weight gain and potential health problems for Pomeranians. It is crucial to maintain a well-balanced diet and ensure regular exercise to effectively manage the size and weight of your Pomeranian.

3. Hormonal Imbalances

  • Seek Veterinary Consultation: Schedule a vet visit if you notice abrupt size changes in your Pomeranian to assess for hormonal imbalances.
  • Hormonal Testing: Upon veterinary recommendation, conduct tests to evaluate hormone levels and identify any imbalances affecting your Pomeranian’s size.
  • Treatment Plan: If hormonal imbalances are detected, collaborate with your vet to establish a treatment regimen, which may include medication or dietary adjustments.

Suggestion: By promptly addressing hormonal imbalances, you can effectively manage your Pomeranian’s size and promote their overall well-being.

How to Determine if Your Pomeranian is Overweight

As a Pomeranian owner, it’s natural to want to spoil your furry friend with treats and love. However, it’s important to know when your Pomeranian may be reaching an unhealthy weight. In this section, we will discuss how to determine if your Pomeranian is overweight by using various methods such as body condition scoring, visual and physical examination, and consulting with a veterinarian. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding of your Pomeranian’s weight and how to help them maintain a healthy lifestyle.

1. Body Condition Score

  • Check your Pomeranian’s ribs and spine to determine their body condition score and ensure they have a healthy amount of fat.
  • When viewing your Pomeranian from above, look for an hourglass figure as an indicator of an ideal body condition score.
  • From the side, make sure your Pomeranian has a tucked abdomen for a good body condition score.

Pro-tip: Keeping track of your Pomeranian’s body condition score can help you maintain their overall health and well-being.

2. Visual and Physical Examination

  • Observe your Pomeranian’s body shape and proportions, ensuring a balanced physique.
  • Feel for excess fat around the ribs and spine, indicating overweight.
  • Check for a visible waist behind the ribs, indicating a healthy weight.

Suggestions: Regularly assess your Pomeranian’s size and weight to maintain their overall health and well-being. Consult a veterinarian for guidance on appropriate body condition and weight management. Additionally, perform a visual and physical examination to monitor your Pomeranian’s health.

3. Consultation with a Veterinarian

  • Schedule an appointment with a veterinarian to discuss your Pomeranian’s size and weight concerns.
  • During the consultation with a veterinarian, share details about your Pomeranian’s diet, exercise routine, and any observed changes in behavior or health.
  • Follow the veterinarian’s recommendations for managing your Pomeranian’s size and weight, including any necessary adjustments to diet, exercise, or medical interventions.

Tips for Managing Your Pomeranian’s Size and Weight

As adorable as they are, Pomeranians have a tendency to gain weight and become larger than expected. If you’re wondering “why is my Pomeranian so big?” and want to learn how to manage their size and weight, you’ve come to the right place. In this section, we’ll discuss practical tips for keeping your Pomeranian at a healthy size, including proper diet and portion control, regular exercise and activity, and monitoring for any potential health issues. Let’s ensure that your furry friend stays happy and healthy!

1. Proper Diet and Portion Control

  • Choose high-quality dog food with the right balance of nutrients.
  • Measure portions carefully according to your Pomeranian’s age, size, and activity level.
  • Avoid overfeeding and limit treats, focusing on healthy options.
  • Monitor your Pomeranian’s weight and adjust portion sizes as needed.

Pomeranians were originally larger sled-pulling dogs in the Arctic. Queen Victoria’s love for the smaller version popularized the breed’s smaller size.

2. Regular Exercise and Activity

  • Engage in daily walks and play sessions to maintain physical health and provide mental stimulation for your Pomeranian.
  • Incorporate interactive toys and training activities to keep your Pomeranian mentally stimulated.
  • Encourage regular exercise, such as jogging or agility training, to keep your Pomeranian fit and healthy.

3. Monitoring for Health Issues

  • Regular Veterinary Check-Ups: Schedule routine visits to assess weight, nutrition, and overall health.
  • Observation of Behavioral Changes: Monitor for alterations in appetite, energy levels, and mobility, including any potential health issues.
  • Maintaining Vaccination Schedule: Ensure compliance with necessary vaccinations and parasite control measures.
  • Preventive Care Measures: Implement preventive treatments for dental, skin, and coat health.

My friend’s Pomeranian, despite a balanced diet and exercise, displayed decreased energy levels. After a vet visit, it was discovered that the dog had developed a thyroid condition, highlighting the importance of consistent monitoring for health issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my Pomeranian bigger than the standard size?

There is some variation in the size of Pomeranians, with some owners having “giant” Pomeranians that weigh more than the standard size. Some Pomeranians may also have longer legs compared to others. It is also noted that some Pomeranians may be registered with the AKC as purebred kleinspitz.

What is a purebred dog certificate of registration?

A purebred dog certificate of registration is a document issued by a recognized organization, such as the American Kennel Club (AKC), that verifies a dog’s pedigree and confirms that it is a purebred of a specific breed. This certificate can be used as proof of a dog’s breed and registration with the organization.

Is my Pomeranian considered a kleinspitz or a dwarfspitz?

The terms “kleinspitz” and “dwarfspitz” are sometimes used interchangeably to refer to Pomeranians. However, the American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes Pomeranians as a distinct breed and does not use these terms. Some Pomeranians may be registered with the AKC as purebred kleinspitz, but this is not an official designation for the breed.

Why is it important for my Pomeranian to have a purebred dog certificate of registration?

Having a purebred dog certificate of registration can provide proof of your Pomeranian’s breed and pedigree, which can be useful for breeding, showing, and health purposes. It also ensures that your Pomeranian comes from a reputable breeder and has been carefully bred to maintain the breed’s standard characteristics, such as being even tempered.

Can I determine my Pomeranian’s adult size based on its weight as a puppy?

While a puppy’s weight can give an indication of its potential adult size, it is not always accurate. Pomeranians can vary in size and some may end up being bigger or smaller than expected. It is important to consult with a veterinarian for proper guidance on your Pomeranian’s growth and development.

How can I ensure my Pomeranian stays healthy with its larger size?

If your Pomeranian is larger than the standard size, it is important to monitor their weight and provide a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is also recommended to have regular check-ups with a veterinarian to ensure your Pomeranian is maintaining good health. Additionally, socializing and training your Pomeranian from a young age can help with their overall well-being and behavior, as Pomeranians are known for being even tempered.

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